They’re Fighting Back – Dems Get Suckerpunched!

Photo by Barbara Zandoval on Unsplash

( – A small New York town has filed a lawsuit against New York City and Albany, the capital city, following the unexpected arrival of migrants in their area.

On Monday, Colonie Town Supervisor Peter Crummey appeared on “Fox & Friends First” to call out New York City Mayor Eric Adams for his decision to transport migrants to his town. As Crummey pointed out, there was no cooperation or coordination, and it is outside of Adams’s jurisdiction to take such actions.

The New York Post stated in their report that two dozen other migrants had been transported to a motel on a commercial strip in the Colonie, even though the town had tried to block the arrival through an emergency order.

Crummey pointed out in an interview with the Albany Times Union that while the order does not completely eliminate the possibility of migrants being housed in the county, it specifically requires the coordination of local officials with state and county officials as well as non-profit organizations.

Crummey proceeded to describe what occurred after the arrival of the migrants. As he said on Friday of Memorial Day Weekend, they had been notified that there were migrants being transported to their town instead of to the sanctuary city of Albany. Following that revelation, they called Mayor Adams, who questioned whether Adams, as mayor of New York City, had the right to assert his programs in towns that were outside his jurisdiction while violating the local laws in those towns. He proceeded to accuse Adams of having failed to cooperate with city officials.

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