(RestoreAmericanGlory.com) – Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) from Washington, D.C., has brought forward a bill that would expand commercial filming at the Capitol in order to depict the “fullest authenticity” of Congress.
In a statement, she argued that considering they were in an open and free democracy there shouldn’t be any blocks to filming in the Capitol. She added that this was one of the country’s democratic symbols and that it was untrue to the democratic traditions to stop filming in the Capitol. She added that there was no justifiable policy reason for filming to be restricted at Union Square.
The new bill would give permission to commercial photography and filmmaking at the Capitol Complex, which would extend beyond the current permissions. Currently, it is permitted for filming to take place in Union Square exclusively when the two chambers of Congress are not in session.
On Wednesday Norton put out a statement in support of the bill arguing that it would help promote the country’s economy and patriotism by displaying what was happening in the Capitol. The same conditions and requirements that are currently in place for filming in Union Square would apply under the new expanded rules for filming.
The U.S. Capitol Police would also be given “full discretion” to determine who would be permitted to film in order to address any security concerns.
Norton’s statement is part of her general push to expand public access to public areas, including those surrounding the Capitol. As she argued through filming and photography they would be able to further promote the story of the country’s democracy.
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