(RestoreAmericanGlory.com) – The University of Michigan’s C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital has found that the majority of parents do not believe that the standard American diet is healthy for children. This indicates that the majority of parents are aware that the typical American diet includes a number of unhealthy things, including sugars, saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, and sodium. However, despite these things, most parents are trying to instill healthy eating habits in their children.
The poll included 1,083 respondents and found that around a third of the parents asked believed that the standard American diet was healthy for children. The respondents were all parents who had at least one child that was aged between three and 10.
The report released accompanying the findings of the poll noted that the parents had recognized the standard American diet includes high levels of added sugars, sodium, saturated fats as well as refined carbohydrates. All of this can generate an excess intake that would far surpass the regular nutritional needs.
However, the poll also showed that the majority of children were taking steps in order to ensure the healthy eating habits of their children according to the poll findings. As part of these efforts, the majority of parents will limit some foods including the ones that are high in fat and added sugar. The poll found that 8 percent of parents stated they limit meat, while 17 percent control the food they buy based on fat content. The majority of parents also limit processed foods and foods with added sugars, 54 percent and 59 percent respectively.
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