(RestoreAmericanGlory.com) – On Tuesday, Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) argued that Black voter excitement is going to reach a new high following the announcement of Vice President Kamala Harris’s candidacy in the presidential election. He noted that he believes the levels will reach the excitement levels of 2008 when former President Barack Obama ran for office for the first time.
During a press conference with the Congressional Black Caucus and its political action committee, Meeks argued that he had never believed that the excitement levels from 2008 could be duplicated. He added that he had thought the interest was going to fade, but that what they were seeing right now went beyond what they had seen at the start of 2008. He pointed out that this was the one time in his life that he had seen people taking their time to ensure that they had the right to vote and that they could vote, and that a similar situation was going to be repeated this November.
In 2020, a bit more than 62 percent of Black voters had voted according to the Brennan Center of Justice. In 2008 the Pew Research Center had noted that 65 percent of Black voters had voted, while in 2012 that percentage had increased to 67 percent.
On Sunday, following President Biden’s announcement that he is dropping out of the presidential race, and his endorsement of his vice president as the next Democratic nominee, Harris announced her own presidential campaign. Within days of the campaign being launched, she has raised over $100 million, with $1.2 million having been raised on Monday alone by “#WinWithBlackMen.”
Meeks noted that they would be targeting battleground states and Black areas to increase voter turnout.
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