(RestoreAmericanGlory.com) – On Saturday, former President Donald Trump delivered a speech at Temple University in Philadelphia, which aired live on Newsmax, during which he slammed President Joe Biden for having lied that the crime rates in the country were declining and promoting “fake” FBI statistics.
In his speech, Trump promised that if he wins back the White House he would be implementing strict measures to address crime. As he stated they would give the police immunity so that if they need to arrest someone or speak more harshly to them they will not face discrimination or end up being put in jail.
Trump accused Biden of having pushed “fake” crime statistics, and argued that all of the administration’s statistics were “fake.” He added that the Biden administration was even trying to claim that the reports of Biden making errors or gaffes during his appearances were “fake” which is something that Trump denied.
Trump pointed out that they needed to get Biden out of the country if they were looking to have things survive. He added that according to the National Victimization Survey, there has been a 43 percent increase since Biden first took office. This includes an 89 percent increase in aggravated assaults, 56 percent in robberies, and 58 percent in rapes.
However, Trump vowed that if he wins he will stand with police officers and offer them the resources, protection, and respect that they need in order to fight crime and bring it down. He added that his administration will also place the most focus on providing law enforcement resources in those resources that require it the most, including Philadelphia.
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