(RestoreAmericanGlory.com) – A couple from Fairfax County, Va., has argued that they had a negative encounter with Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s wife Martha-Ann Alito after she had opted to fly an upside-down American flag outside of their house. The couple confirmed that the incident had occurred after the flag incident and not before as the justice had claimed.
The New York Times reported earlier this month that outside the justice’s house, they had flown an upside-down flag which had become a symbol of the “Stop the Steal” campaign. Alito’s wife had flown the flag in 2021 and it had caused a dispute with their neighbors.
The Times has reported that apart from the upside-down flag, there was also another flag that was associated with the Jan. 6 Capitol attack that had been flown outside Alito’s home in New Jersey. The second flag incident took place in September 2023.
Following the release of the reports Alito has faced a lot of criticisms with many Democrats pushing for him to recuse himself from the cases relating to former President Donald Trump and the Jan. 6 attack. Alito has not made any remarks relating to the second flag.
According to the report, neighbor Emily Baden and her then-boyfriend, who was named, had an exchange with Martha-Ann Alito which included many insults stemming from their political differences. However, Baden has argued that the timeline of the incident had been different and that she had not seen the upside-down flag.
The Times had discovered a phone call made by Baden’s then-boyfriend to the local police which dates back to February 2021. The date of the phone call is after the flag had been taken down.
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