(RestoreAmericanGlory.com) – On Tuesday, California Democratic Representative Adam Schiff introduced a new bill which if successful would lead to the private emails of Supreme Court justices being made available to the public under future Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
Schiff, who is one of the House Judiciary Committee’s senior members, introduced the Judicial FOIA expansion which according to a press release is going to extend the transparency of the FOIA to the judicial branch and the Supreme Court justices.
Over the past few months, the Supreme Court justices have faced a lot of criticisms with a general push towards more transparency following the allegations of ethics issues, including justices not disclosing luxury gifts and trips that they have received.
President Joe Biden is planning on supporting many measures that are going to reform the top court as there are several ethics scandals. The Washington Post in its report noted that the president intends on endorsing an ethics code that would apply to the Supreme Court as well as a proposal for justices to have term limits.
Schiff’s bill is working in a similar direction as it is specifically looking at records in the judicial branch, which the FOIA does not currently have access to. In the press release, Schiff noted that increasing transparency was necessary in order for American trust in the justice system to be restored. He added that his bill is going to help give Americans more insight into the court’s inner workings as it would give the public and journalistic access to the administrative records of the judiciary. He noted that these types of reforms are essential for restoring faith in the judicial branch.
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